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News & View, Volume 45 | Proving Performance What Distinguishes an ISO-Compliant Product Certification Agency?

News & Views, Volume 45 | Proving Performance – What Distinguishes an ISO-Compliant Product Certification Agency?

By:  Andy Coughlin

News & View, Volume 45 | Proving Performance What Distinguishes an ISO-Compliant Product Certification Agency?Whether it’s fair-trade coffee, sustain-ably harvested lumber, energy efficient appliances, or other certified products, consumers and companies look for products that have high standards of origin, production, and performance.  Structural Integrity Associates’ TRU Compliance mark is no different.  Our mark shows buyers a product has undergone rigorous assessment for seismic, wind, and blast performance to nationally recognized standards.   

However, not all agencies conform to the internationally recognized set of standards that govern a product certification agency, allowing it to be impartial, objective, and accountable to the public.  The standard ISO/IEC 17065 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services spells out requirements that make agencies like TRU Compliance accountable to its clients and to the public.  The requirements in TRU Compliance’s Certification Manual are broad, but they generally fall into the three categories below.